it felt awkward at first, but before we knew it we were causin' damage - bustin' cups of coach's favorite cups, obliterated by a scorcher down the line - kory - bringin' the payne! the kaimana klassic cup bit the dust about 15 minutes later...even ass coach was feelin' it...
Ozzie approved of how Na Pahu was playing...
..."you like scrimmage?" they muttered. coach said, 'shit yeah'
it was on.
...despite losing 16-1 to Matsuno a mere month ago, Na Pahu hit the field - head held high, chest out - ready for retribution. The first inning saw solid defense from Na Pahu...if it weren't for an awful error by coach in left field, Na Pahu would've broken serve...instead, coach blew the play - new glove, yeah that was the problem? next pitch = grand slam over coach's head...Matsuno 4 Na Pahu 0.
Still riding the positive vibes from practice - jefe and ass coach found themselves on base. rob toed the plate...the stars aligned, yet again...and this time he done got himself his first base hit of the season.
it was all downhill for Matsuno from there on out - they couldn't handle the beast that Na Pahu has become. we were drinking in the field - with only 7 players....getting unassisted double plays from center field... we even let balls hit us in the knee cap and hip-checked balls in the outfied - just to keep the game close....when all was said and done - it shaped up to be about:
Na Pahu 12
Matsuno 8
Na Pahu 12
Matsuno 8
the Citywide Softball League bettah watch out for the second half of the season.
coach j, ass coach nic, jefe ramirez
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