Blood spilled early and just kept coming. With Coach uphill skiing for cheese, and our Mexi-Jefe peddling chicle at a mariachi show, Pahu had to dig deep into the roster and bring in Big League Bases Loaded all-star Kristy, who came to the plate and smacked the ball hard, but spun her wheels in the dust like Wile E. Coyote and eventually bit it, gashing her knuckle. Band Aid #1. Pahu came out swinging in the second scoring 5 runs with solid cracks from Lisa K, Devan, Toby, Jamie, Mike, Kristy, and Joe. Pahu 5 – GD 0.
Pahu dominated defensively shutting Dem down allowing only 4 base runners and one run in the first 4 innings. More smack from the bad guys, several warnings from Chuck. The last out of the 4th came as Roving Rob pulled up a skipping rope and send it along to Meaghan, who proceeded to tag the runner out with her face. All attention turned to the (afraid but not injured) base runner that was riling around on the ground and freaking, but one by one Pahu realized that Meaghan was calmly down on one knee, covering her nose with blood running down both arms to both legs and dripping on the field. First responder Jamie was on the scene like a champ.
Meaghan stayed in the game like a champ and returned to the field for the last inning, which was a classic Pahu inning. One out from the victory and we give up 6 runs. But before it’s over Rob saves his glove the pain and takes rover rope to the shin, which bounced between his legs like a pinball and left thread marks in his shin that still remain. Band Aid #3 came from a can.
Pahu looses 7-5, but at least we had Tsunami Saturday to inebriate and recuperate.
MVP – Meaghan
MVDr – Jamie