Na Pahu gathered pre-game as the sun dipped into the Pacific Ocean - the lineup was thin, but solid...maybe it was rogue barbeque, maybe it was the moiliili men's room, or maybe all the crusty sky-blue shirts that didn't get washed from last week - but there was something in the air
our opponents? none other than dem buggahs from the local phone company - Hawaiian Telcom.
Na Pahu busted out of the gate with 4 quick runs in the top of the first - oh so liftin' copper wire - only to have 2 taken away because we screwed up the rules (...yet again). either way...after half an inning:
Na Pahu 2
HI Telcom 0
Reality set in soon as Hawaiian Telchump waddled up to the plate in the bottom of the first with their bats on their collective shoulder (and the associated wahine walks - Chuck you got some stupid rules) - u like walk or play softball? walk? ... okay losers ... i'll be sure note that junk on my check when i send in my next bill....memo: swing the bat chumps!
after 2 innings we found ourselves in familiar territory...
HI telchump 12
Na Pahu 2
the depressant effects of alcohol began to overpower Na Pahu - heads hung low - ass coach was feeling especially distraught
it seemed an opportune time to inject some tapatio! bust out the secret weapon - jefe ramirez
...who - spiting doctor's orders in an inspirational moment that left not a single dry eye in the city (...or at least the Na Pahu bench. well, i think i saw Kim cry, maybe just had some dirt in her eye though?) - took the field for the first time.

fast-forward to the top of the fifth....
HI Telchump 14
Na Pahu 4
den t'ings wen get the hits rained down as if the four horsemen of the apocalypse were riding into town - consecutive hits from zach, kim, toby, kalani, jefe, kory, wha' dis!?!
Na Pahu history - a grand plate lunch for mark - that's right, 4 scoops of rice with that one!
...this is what is looked like from the third base coaches' box.
Na Pahu struts into the mid-season break - heads held high - ready for the second half (...and ready for uniforms - more to come)
HI telchump 14
Na Pahu 11
coach j
ass coach nic
jefe ramirez